A Better Approach to Wealth Management.

Absolute Momentum

Risk Managed Portfolios


Our momentum strategies strive to manage risk in an attempt to preserve wealth.

A focused process equals results



Focus is placed on price and the technical patterns being presented.  We rely on the trend to make our decisions.



Develop a process that works logically and removes random choices.  



It is our belief that our performance can increase with greater focus and a dedicated process for each decision.

Price focused strategies make it easier to cut through the noise and opinions to make better portfolio decisions.
— M. Lorenzen


What separates our strategies from the rest?

  • We focus on price and trends being presented

  • Clear & concise information to make decisions easier

  • Unique Tools and Indicators designed for trend

    identification in any market

  • We can apply the same process across all investment types


Find out how we can help you manage your portfolio.